3 Things To Do If You’re Having A Hard Time Working With Your Boss

While you can’t always get along with everyone that you work with, one of the few people that you want to make sure you can get along with is your boss. So if a time ever comes where you’re working with a boss that you just can’t seem to get on the same page with, it’s good to know what you can and should do to improve this professional relationship and avoiding having to find a new job or wind up getting fired.

To help you learn how to navigate this stressful situation, here are three things you can do if you’re having a hard time working with your boss. 

Try To See Things From Their Perspective

Managing other people can be very hard. But if you’ve never been a boss or a manager before, you might not realize this. As a result, you may not understand what it is that your boss goes through every day within their own job responsibilities.

In many situations, this lack of understanding can be the reason why a boss and their employees struggle with things. To combat this, Rebecca Knight, a contributor to Harvard Business Review, suggests that you try to see things from your boss’s perspective. By shifting your frame of mind for a few minutes, you might be able to better understand your boss, see where he or she is coming from, and make subtle adjustments on your own to improve your working relationship. 

Do Your Best Not To Let It Affect Your Work

If the above-mentioned tactic doesn’t work for you, it might be time to buckle down within your job until you’re able to do something that will show some real improvement. 

As a part of this, the editors of The Muse advise that you do everything in your power not to let this bad relationship affect your work. While this can seem nearly impossible, it’s really more about changing your attitude than the actual situation. For example, try to make things easier on yourself by continuing to get your work done in a timely manner, not shirking any of your responsibilities, and keeping your nose to the grindstone. 

Meet With Your Boss To Talk

In some situations, the only thing that’s going to improve the predicament you’re in is speaking directly with your boss about what you’re thinking and feeling. While this can be a hard conversation, it could be very necessary.

In this meeting, Susan M. Heathfield, a contributor to recommends that you focus your discussion on what direction you’re needing, what feedback you’re requiring, and what type of support you’re seeking. By keeping the conversation directed at you, you should be able to explain clearly to your boss exactly what you need and get some guidance for reaching these objectives together. 

If you’re butting heads with your boss, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find some way to work through these issues together. 

